The Chesapeake Bay Community Band is a 501c3 Non Profit Organization and your donations are tax  deductible. 

Your donations help us with our operating expenses as well as our biggest expense; new music.

Donations can be made using PayPal

You can also send a check or money order payable to The Chesapeake Bay Community Band, Inc. to:

The Chesapeake Bay Community Band, Inc.
P.O. Box 601
Stevensville, MD  2166


Looking for a unique way to support the band?
The Library Endowment is a great way to do that!

Here's how:

  • Select one of the titles from a list provided
  • Provide the information requested
  • Mail a check to the band

Every time we perform the piece you selected, it will appear on the program as:
The Title of the Piece You Selected
Your Name Performance Library Endowment